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Don Cleary's Lock & Glass Inc

Windows, Glass and Lock Service in Bloomfield, New Jersey

Don Cleary's Lock & Glass has been in business since 1980 and offers 24 hour emergency service. Owner operated, with fast reliable service, always honest and courteous.

At Don Cleary's we also can repair or replace your aluminum storm windows and doors, screen doors, shower doors and tub and shower enclosures. We use flat glass which is the best quality glass in the industry.

Commercial, residential or industrial at Bloomfield’s Don Cleary's Lock & Glass after we have repaired or replaced your glass problem, we can install locks, rekey locks or repair or replace any lock problem you may have.

Along with our fast mobile service, a small shop is available to make your new keys or cut your glass.

Don Cleary's does aluminum double hung windows for its commercial clients as well as insulates glass for both residential and commercial glass.

As you can see, we offer a wide range of services from flat glass to locks and aluminum storm windows and doors.

With great pricing, free estimates and 24 hours emergency service, Bloomfield; your decision is easy on who to call (973) 619-9042 Don Cleary's Lock & Glass.

Mention this website and receive an additional 10% off. We can also handle all of your insurance claims.


Read more about our Flat Glass, Locksmith, Windows and Doors services.

(973) 619-9042
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255 Hoover Ave
Bloomfield, NJ 07003
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Example: "This Company Rocks!"
John G. in Clifton, NJ  -  10 years and 6 months ago
Detailed Review:  GoodGoodGoodGoodGood  (5.0 out of 5.0) for Don Cleary's Lock & Glass Inc

very fast service, clean workmanship, reasonable prices, friendly attitude

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